Didactics Overview
Every Thursday, the residents attend a dynamic didactics conference that brings together attending, current and former faculty, and medical students to an afternoon of educational discussions and sessions. Didactics are typically from 1-5 PM with four 1-hour lectures. These are interactive sessions given by faculty members, IM sub-specialists, and senior residents who were assigned in advance by the didactics chief resident to discuss important internal medicine topics, mortality and morbidity conferences, patient care encounters, and board reviews.
When the session starts, the residents should be prepared to have a robust discussion about the topics. During residents' lectures, attending are also invited to participate in these sessions and encouraged to contribute to the learning.
Breaking away from the traditional learning environment, our program has implemented frequent Jeopardy (Dr Dilemma), Interesting case conferences, and journal club sessions to enhance the learning process while promoting a fun environment.
Additionally, simulation labs occur intermittently in parallel to didactics sessions. These are facilitated and moderated by an attending. These labs take place in the simulation labs at UMH-sparrow hospital on 2 south, adjacent to our regular didactic room. Resident will be placed in group and each group will be sequentially called upon to participate to the 1-hour simulation. Groups are composed of senior residents and interns. Interns are expected to run the simulation with seniors as guide and resources. These experiences serve to help the residents learn about and get accustomed to managing high risk encounter.